Deric's MindBlog (2006 - present) - reports on new ideas and work on mind,
brain, and behavior, as well as random curious stuff.
Mind Lectures, Writings, and podcasts. (1993 - present)
Laboratory studies on how light is changed into a nerve signal in our eyes. (1963-1996) - see 'About Deric' below

Selected Mind Lectures:
- New Perspectives on how our Minds Work (2022)
- How much can we change our aging? (2022)
- Upstairs/Downstairs in our brains - Who (or what) is running our show? (2019)
- Making our Brains Younger (2014)
- Are you holding your breath? - Structures of arousal and calm (2012)
- Making Minds - Evolving and Constructing the "I" (2011)
- The Beast Within (2003)
- The "I" Illusion (2002)
Biology of Mind Book
Developed from an interdisciplinary course I developed in the 1990s, as I was in a career transition from studying the chemistry of vision to studying the evolution, development, and structures of our minds. This link gives you a full web version of that book published in 1999, with complete
references not included in the hard copy version (which can be purchased from either Amazon or John
Wiley & Sons.)
Piano Performances House concerts and public recitals.
Deric ... Personal history, and Ancestors and family history. The
first 33 years of my professional life (1963-1996) were devoted to
laboratory studies of visual transduction in rod photoreceptor cells. I prepared this graphic social and scientific history of the Bownds Laboratory for a laboratory reunion over the last weekend of May 2012, on the occasion of my 70th birthday. Pictures of the reunion can be found here and of a Social/Musical held at my Madison Twin Valley home here. This talk describing the contributions of my laboratory (from 1968 to 1998) to understanding how light changes into a nerve signal in our eyes was given on May 14, 2013 to the McPherson Eye Research Institute seminar at the University of Wisconsin, . This personal biography was written in the summer of 2012 and is occasionally updated. After a 12 year period of being a snowbird between Madison, WI (June-August) and Fort Lauderdale FL (Sept-May), in 2017 the winter destination became the family house in Austin Texas where I grew up, and since 2019 Austin has been my year round home.